A Letter to Myself; or, Hindsight is 2020

It’s now 2020, and I think for a lot of us, the start of a new decade encourages us to look back at where we were at the beginning of the one that has just ended, and think about just how far we’ve come.  As someone whose entire teenagehood fell within this last decade, thisContinue reading “A Letter to Myself; or, Hindsight is 2020”

“A Timothy in My Life;” or, An Internship at St. Andrews

Originally Published: December 14, 2019 If you ever find yourself in the middle of Scarborough (or at least south of the Town Centre), and you walk along the small road that skirts the North side of Thompson Park, you may come upon a small church with a tall steeple. Behind the old brick walls, down theContinue reading ““A Timothy in My Life;” or, An Internship at St. Andrews”

See A Change; or, As the Nose on Your Face

Originally Published: November 27, 2019 As I was thinking about what to write for this post, a familiar joke popped into my mind. Stop me if you’ve heard it. Why did the boy throw his clock out the window? He wanted to see time fly. Sorry, that was pretty quick; I guess there wasn’t a lotContinue reading “See A Change; or, As the Nose on Your Face”

When You Fall; or, what is Worship? – A Message from October 26, 2019

Originally Published: October 28, 2019 The following message was given at the St. Andrews Scarborough Praise and Worship Night on Saturday, October 26th, 2019. It adapts and expands upon our earlier series, “Drawing Near,” from August 13th. What comes to mind when you hear the word worship? A lot of us, when put on the spot, wouldContinue reading “When You Fall; or, what is Worship? – A Message from October 26, 2019”

Thankful Disciple-Makers; or, Mentors Move Mountains

Originally Published: October 14, 2019       We at Confessions from Crickets would like to thank all our readers for being patient with us these past few weeks as we have lapsed in our normal posting schedule. It’s been a time of transition for both of us, as we’re starting new school programs, jobs, and phases of life.Continue reading “Thankful Disciple-Makers; or, Mentors Move Mountains”

Better Plans; or, Joshua’s Walk with Christ

Originally Published: September 16, 2019 Today, for the second installment of our My Walk with Christ series, it’s my pleasure to introduce Joshua Chacko. I met Joshua at Urbana 2018, specifically in a South Asian lounge they’d set up for the conference. I got to share my story of faith with him and he gotContinue reading “Better Plans; or, Joshua’s Walk with Christ”

To Youth and to Future; or, Building Relationships like Jesus

Originally Published: August 27, 2019 “The Youth Are the Future!” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard before in one iteration or another, but it’s one of which I grow more and more convinced every day. If you were to ask me why I am so passionate about youth, that would be my answer.  I’ve spentContinue reading “To Youth and to Future; or, Building Relationships like Jesus”

Drawing Near; or, A Week of Worship

Originally Published: August 12, 2019 Drawing Near; or, A Week of Worship What comes to mind when you hear the word worship? A lot of us, when put on the spot, would say that worship is about music. We have images of guitars or pipe organs, Hillsong or church choirs. But the Bible tells usContinue reading “Drawing Near; or, A Week of Worship”

Love Transforming; or, Kamal Walk with Christ

Originally Published: July 22, 2019 Hi everyone! I’m Kamal Soobrian. If you’ve read practically any of the posts on this site for the last year or so, you probably know me as Cricket’s girlfriend. This week, Cricket and Stephan (the blog’s editor) have asked me to be a guest writer. Specifically, they want me toContinue reading “Love Transforming; or, Kamal Walk with Christ”

REMIX; or, Stories of Love in Action

Originally Published: July 7, 2019 If you’ve read the title of today’s installment, you can probably guess how excited I am to have the opportunity once again to talk about one of my favourite things in the world. That’s right, it’s conference time–the Toronto REMIX conference to be specific! For those who haven’t perused my otherContinue reading “REMIX; or, Stories of Love in Action”

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