Serpent River; or, first mission trip

Originally Published: August 6, 2018 Content warning: Discussion of residential schooling and other impacts of colonialism on indigenous peoples. “The kingdom of God is like a summer camp.” I don’t remember where I first heard that–I know it’s not technically scriptural, cuz really summer camps weren’t a thing circa 32 CE, unless you count theContinue reading “Serpent River; or, first mission trip”

Suicide; or, dealing with the devil

Originally Published: July 23, 2018 CONTENT WARNING: This post deals with sensitive topics, including depression and suicide. Please don’t read any further if you think this may be triggering to you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need someone to talk to. Take care of yourselves, friends. Even though I am part of God’sContinue reading “Suicide; or, dealing with the devil”

Worry; or, scars of the past, visions of the future

Originally Published: July 9, 2018 If you know me in person, you know how much I worry about the future. And, well, if you don’t know me in person, it’s about time you found out. I’m pretty sure we all worry about the future from time to time. We’re trained to be worriers from aContinue reading “Worry; or, scars of the past, visions of the future”

REMIX; or, dedicated listening

Originally Published: June 25, 2018 Confession time (ha, get it?): I’m a huge conference junkie. I love going to the panels, doing the workshops, meeting all the people, and generally just having a high-focused place of learning. There’s just something about the dedication that radiates from a place like that–everyone is together for the sameContinue reading “REMIX; or, dedicated listening”

Baptism; or, the time I was renewed

Originally Published: June 11, 2018 Welcome back everyone (not really sure why I start these like a lecture, but it’s my blog so I can do what I want.) This will probably be a short one. To quote Journey, I’m gonna try to keep it ‘sweet and simple’–well, I can’t really say if it’ll beContinue reading “Baptism; or, the time I was renewed”

Money freak; or, how God provides for all

Originally Published: May 28, 2018 Money, when you boil it down, is all just numbers. Important numbers, yes–sometimes really fun numbers–but numbers nonetheless. The thing about numbers: they never end. If you were to meet me a few years ago, you’d see someone who was addicted to this constant flow. Money made me happy, butContinue reading “Money freak; or, how God provides for all”

Hinduism; or, the time I came to know Jesus

Originally Published: May 14, 2018                                                                                    Welcome back to Confessions from Crickets! Whether you’re following up after the first blog post or finding my page fresh (if that’s you, read my introduction here), I want to sincerely thank you for joining me! We covered a lot last time about what the goal of this blogContinue reading “Hinduism; or, the time I came to know Jesus”

Introduction; or, Why I’m Here

Originally Published: April 30, 2018                                                                                    Why crickets? And better yet, what are they confessing? If these are the questions that come to mind, having stumbled upon this humble corner of the internet, I’m not particularly surprised. If you’d like to find out, please, stick around. Put your feet up–get comfortable! If, on the otherContinue reading “Introduction; or, Why I’m Here”

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