Blast from the Past: Seeking Hinduism, Finding Christianity”

We’ve got something a little bit different for you all today (hey, didn’t we say that last time?): the first video entry of Confessions from Crickets!

About two years ago, I was asked to speak at the somewhat confusingly-named Men’s Breakfast (confusing because it’s open to everyone) at my home church, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Scarborough. It had been about a year since Stephan and I had started this blog, so what we ended up doing was adapting one of our first posts, “Hinduism; or, the time I came to know Jesus,” into what became this presentation.

Looking back on it now, it’s really interesting how much my plans have changed in the time since. To me, it’s a great example of Proverbs 16:9— “The heart of man plans his way,/ but the LORD establishes his steps.” It’s also a great reminder that, if my heart is set on Christ, it doesn’t really matter where those steps go; I was excited with all the plans I’d laid in 2018, but I’m just as excited (if not more so!) of the plans I have ahead of me now. As long as God is walking with me, being my source of strength and courage, I’m ready for any challenge that comes my way.

But, without further ado, please sit back, relax, throw your mind back to a time when congregate settings were safe, and enjoy “Seeking Hinduism, Finding Jesus!”

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