Our Last Confession; or, Until We Meet Again

Unfortunately, we have some sad news to share with you. After three years of reflection, encouragement, and contemplation, Stephan and I (Cricket) have decided to bring Confessions from Crickets to a close. 

We are both in very different places than we were when we started this blog. In 2018, Stephan was in the final year of his undergrad program; now, he has finished his Master’s degree in teaching and is already working with the Toronto District School Board as a supply teacher (please pray that God will help him find a stable place where he can be of use to those young minds). In 2018, I was in school at George Brown College for Child and Youth Care and had just met Kamal; now, I’m at work with Youth Unlimited beginning my vocational ministry, am back at school–Tyndale this time–for youth ministry, and Kamal and I are stronger than ever. 

As you may have noticed over the past couple months, our new responsibilities have made it difficult for us to commit the time and energy to this project that we believe it deserves. This was a hard decision for the both of us make; nonetheless we thought retiring Confessions would be the best choice at the moment. We don’t know if the potential for revival is on the horizon or not (pun, considering our focus on resurrection and revival, not intended). What the future holds is, as always, all up to God. 

To this day, we have released 35 blog posts. We want to take this time to thank you for journeying with us through these several years; your comments, shares, messages, and kind words have been legitimately instrumental in the life of this blog.

Please note that the blog and all we have written on it will remain available for your viewing, though in the next few weeks, we will be downgrading our domain, so in future, you can find it all at cfcarchive.wordpress.com

Additionally, we’ve got some pretty exciting news, despite this somber occasion. Longtime readers will know that this blog was originally conceived of as a book, and that our long-term plan has been to collect our posts into a book. Well, we say, what is the end of the blog but a perfect opportunity to finally make that happen? The definitive compilation of all our posts, plus some additional writing, will be hitting the press this summer, so keep your eyes open. 

Lastly, as this blog comes to a close, we’re excited to say that it is not without another door opening. I am happy to announce that I will be starting a new podcast called glorifyHim. It’s a project that I’ll be undertaking with the help of my friends Kiefer and Seth, both of whom I met at Tyndale–an ongoing conversation between three friends about faith and doing everything to glorify Jesus. Our goal for the podcast is, as the name suggests, to share God’s truth and to glorify him in all we do. We have a lot to talk about and are very excited for what God will do in and through this. The podcast will be launching this coming month, and if you’d like to support us, you can follow us on Instagram and all future avenues by going to linktr.ee/glorifyHim

Now, before I leave you, I want to thank a couple people. I want to thank Kamal, my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend for all of her support and encouragement throughout these three years. I want to thank Stephan, my co-author and editor for this blog. His dedication, effort, and all the sleepless nights he committed to this team do not go unnoticed. The blog would not be what it is without him. Once more, I want to thank you, our dedicated readers and supporters; this blog has really been more than a blog to us, and that’s all because of you. Finally, I would like to thank God for giving me this opportunity to tell others about the amazing, wonderful things he has done in and through me. 
For all this, thank you Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father. It has always been for you.

Thank you all for this journey. This isn’t goodbye–more like ‘until we meet again.’

Stay grateful,

Kirushanthan “Cricket” Krishnapillai

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