Our Story

In the early months of 2018, I told Stephan I wanted to write a book. Now, Stephan’s a nice guy, but you’d forgive him for the somewhat lukewarm reaction I received if you were at all accquainted with my writing abilities. I’ve been aware for most of my life that I have a learning disability, so the stuff that I write doesn’t exactly come out how I intend all of the time. Now I don’t know who suggested it, but however you shake it, one of us said “well, why not try a blog? and the rest is…well…you’re looking at it!

I’m still not a super confident writer, but I’ve come a long way, and Stephan’s a bit of a wizard at editing, so everything on the site still undergoes a wave of his wand. Ever since I became a Christian (check out this post for more on that story), I’ve wanted to share my story with others, so the fact that we share this blog, and that it’s given me the platform to do just that, means the world to me.

I hope you stick around as the story continues. God is still making amazing things happen in my life, so I’ve still got lots to say. Until then, keep reading and stay grateful!


I just wanted to take this time to dedicate this blog and to show appreciation to some people, organizations, and church in my life. These people, organization, and churches who continue to support me. These blogs wouldn’t be possible without any of them because they have shaped me for who I am today but ultimately this blog is for the one and only: Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He gets all the praise and accreditation for all of this because he created me in his image, shaped and transformed me into who I am today.

  • Stephan
  • Kamal
  • Henry
  • Alyssa
  • Prayer Team (Alain, Calvin, Jeff, Melissa & Sarah)
  • Family (Luxicka, Netharssana, Prasanthan, Vasantha, Muthulingam)
  • Spencer, Ramya & Aubrey-Joy
  • Mentors (Alain, Jeff, Calvin)
  • Youth Ministry Team at St. Andrews (Jean, Elizabeth, Dianne, Alain, Kamal)
  • St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Scarborough
  • Bridletowne Park Church
  • Youth Unlimited Staff & Youth Unlimited
  • DOXA Scarborough (Youth Unlimited)
  • Launch (Youth Unlimited)
  • Light Patrol (Youth Unlimited)

I just want to thank everyone for reading this and joining me on this journey. I’m grateful for each and every one of you and I appreciate everyone taking their busy time to read these blogs. I hope I’m an encouragement and inspiration for all.

Now that you’ve read our story…

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