Emotional Ministry; or, When You Don’t Understand How You Feel

Imagine living in a world where you just don’t understand how you feel. Imagine, in this world, that no matter how you try, you just can’t quite express your emotions in a way that makes sense. For some of us, this isn’t some alien reality. For some of us–and for me–that’s just the world weContinue reading “Emotional Ministry; or, When You Don’t Understand How You Feel”

Letters from Isolation; or, Confessions of a Community Seeker

Content Warning: Discussion of COVID-19/Coronavirus. Jump to the bottom for a prayer and some support & community building resources. During these times of uncertainty, many of you may feel isolated. Many of you are probably not working or have been laid off, aren’t going to school or just aren’t going out, period, and seem toContinue reading “Letters from Isolation; or, Confessions of a Community Seeker”

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